Wenlu Du

Wenlu Du

Greetings! I am Wenlu Du, currently an assistant professor in Computer Science Department at Skidmore College. My research focuses on integrating emerging reinforcement learning technologies into intelligent transportation systems, particularly advanced adaptive traffic signal control, with an emphasis on enhancing traffic safety. My broader research interests include applied AI in transportation, finance, and video games, as well as large language models and robotics. I earned my Ph.D degree at NJIT, where I was guided by Prof. Jing Li and Prof. Guiling (Grace) Wang. Prior to my Ph.D., I spent two years @ Alpine Electronics of America as a software engineer, applying machine learning techniques to in-vehicle infotainment systems. I also earned my master's degree in Computer Science from WPI. I'm passionate about coding, writing and exploring new technologies. Outside of work, I relish the outdoors and all of nature's offerings, along with cherishing time spent with my 4-year-old daughter.

News & Updates

2023 Oct Our paper "Margin Trader: A Reinforcement Learning Framework for Portfolio Management with Margin and Constraints" is accepted to 4th ACM International Conference on AI in Finance (ICAIF '23).
2023 AugOur paper "Safety in Traffic Management Systems: A Comprehensive Survey" is accepted to Designs 7, no. 4 (2023).
2023 FebI am pleased to serve as a VP for ACM-W NJIT.
2023 FebPresented our paper "SafeLight: A Reinforcement Learning Method toward Collision-Free Traffic Signal Control" at AAAI 2023, Washington, DC, USA
2022 NovCo-authored the paper "ADPP: A Novel Anomaly Detection and Privacy-Preserving Framework using Blockchain and Neural Networks in Tokenomics".
2022 Nov Our paper "SafeLight: A Reinforcement Learning Method toward Collision-free Traffic Signal Control" is accepted to AAAI 2023!
2022 AugI have successfully defended my proposal on "Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems".

Selected Publications

SafeLight: A Reinforcement Learning Method toward Collision-Free Traffic Signal Control Paper Code Poster Presentation
Wenlu Du, Junyi Ye, Jingyi Gu, Jing Li, Hua Wei, Guiling Wang
In Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'23)
For the full list please check the Google Scholar page